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70 Degree Hotel

Degrees Hotel

Planning application has been recently granted for the development of 53 dwellings on the Headland site above Colwyn Bay.


"We are proud to be associated with this site.  It is without doubt one of the most outstanding locations on the North Wales coast and it demands something special.  That is what we intend to deliver.  We have put everything into this project and must give special thanks to the officers and elected members of Conwy Council in helping us along the way.  We are clearly hopeful of a positive outcome and look forward to delivering this very exciting scheme in the near future."

John Beardsell (Planning Manager of C&M)

"This site presents a number of important town planning challenges, and I don't think that my client or the Council could have handled matters any more proactively or strategically.  From the outset, the Council's officers and elected members have been clear, forthright and professional in their advice, and their input has been a positive force in what I expect will be a landmark development for many years to come."

Richard Gee (Director of RPS Planning)

"This is more than an opportunity to build much-needed housing - it's a chance to create an exciting, modern landmark building on this important and prominent headland site. We have put forward a design concept that not only reflects the panoramic location, rock strata and cliffs, but also the influence of the existing building's horizontal impact. The exciting new headland building is inspired by lighthouse architecture, conveying a sense of elegance that is linear, well proportioned and absolutely in keeping with its location. Its contemporary apartments combine perfectly with the scheme's mix of dynamic modern family housing to put the site of the former 70 Degrees Hotel back on the map."

Sean McCormick of McCormick Architecture